Archives for posts with tag: webcam

Just before the library sesh today, webcamming with my crazy little dog 30,000 miles away. She always refuses to look at the computer screen and I have a hard time trying to capture her oft-waning attention. The McQueen ring (monstrosity on my index finger) seemed to make her look today though. Think from hereon I’ll put on all the shiny happy things I have on my fingers just for that wee bit more love from her.

Canine slave, I am.

Photo on 2009-11-15 at 22.03

Having a MacBook Pro has made me lazy. When I’m on the laptop and about to nip out of the house, I don’t even take 2 steps in front of the mirror to see how I look anymore.

I just sit on the bed and photobooth.

On another note, don’t you think my curtains are exceedingly ugly?

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